Ali Y Khan

I am a Computer Science PhD student at University of North Texas. My advisor is Dr. Sanjukta Bhowmick. I am interested in the union between scalable graph algorithms and machine learning on real-world data.

Stuff I'm Working On

ANACIN-X - Analysis and Modeling of Nondeterminism and Associated Costs in eXtreme Scale Applications. Led by Dr. Michela Taufer and Dr. Sanjukta Bhowmick. We are currently working to compare and analyze event graphs at scale.

NatCat - A system for modeling climate-based natural catastrophes with deep learning techniques. Led by Syed Haider Ali, Dr. Ting Xiao, and me.

MLN-DIVE - MultiLayer Network (MLN) Community Infrastructure for Data,Interaction,Visualization, and SoftwarE. We have been developing tools and algorithms for generating and analyzing MLNs. Led by Dr. Sanjukta Bhowmick, Dr. Sharma Chakravarthy, Dr. Kamesh Madduri, and Dr. Abhishek Santra.

StanzaGraphs - a system for text exploration of long documents through a graph-based algorithm that can perform text summarization, keyword extraction, and question answering. We are now working on improving the performance of our system with an ensemble algorithm that unifies our graph-based approach with deep neural networks. This project is led by Dr. Paul Tarau.

Former Projects

RE-PLAN - a system that unifies GIS and socio-economic data to help public health agencies create response plans during an epidemic. This project was led by Dr. Marty O'Neill.

Serialhub (site down) - A directory and ranking site for webfiction. Built with Django.